AmigActive 21
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1,019 lines
; $VER: Vahunz-Tschak 1.2 (16.8.98)
; Copyright 1998,99 Thomas Aglassinger. All rights reserved.
; A case tool to create a script that runs Vahunz. The user can select a
; basic mode for vahunzation. The file list is generated automatically
; and the dignorary can be selected. On request, Vahunz can create the
; dictionary and the editor is launched immediately after creation.
; Additionally you can create or update dignoraries with it.
; TODO: make a more clear interface flow by first offering to vahunz
; source code or create a dignorary
; TODO: expose more options when in mode "custom"
; TODO: when JDK's index-?.html does not exist, offer to retry with a
; new name instead of terminating whole script
; Specify minimum installer version
(debug "set version")
(set #minimum-installer-version 43)
(set #minimum-installer-revision 3)
(set #minimum-installer-id
(+ #minimum-installer-revision
(* #minimum-installer-version 65536)
(debug " minimum-installer-id = " #minimum-installer-id)
(debug " current-installer-id = " @installer-version)
; Figure full path name of vahunz executable
(debug "expand vahunz path")
(set #expanded-vahunz
(cat "\"" (expandpath "vahunz") "\"")
(debug " " #expanded-vahunz)
; Filename for the CLI script to be created. Later on the source
; directory is inserted at the beginning of this name.
(set #file-vahunz-it "Vahunz it!")
; Texts for messages, prompts and help
(set #message-welcome
(cat "Welcome to Vahunz-Tschak, the script generator for Vahunz.\n"
(set #message-wrong-installer
(cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' on your Amiga!\n\n"
"The installation procedure needs at least Installer "
#minimum-installer-version "." #minimum-installer-revision ".\n\n"
"Please obtain a newer version!\n\n"
"(Check Aminet or "
"the WWW site of the current owner of the rights for Amiga.)"
(set #message-wrong-list
(cat "This script requires the standard 'c:list' command to be installed.\n\n"
"It seems you are using some incompatible replacement."
(set #message-overview
(cat "Vahunz-Tschak is a frontend for Vahunz to spare you fiddling with "
"command line options.\n\n"
"It asks you some questions concerning "
"the location of your source code and options for vahunz. After that "
"it creates a CLI-script \"" #file-vahunz-it "\" you can invoke at "
"any time to perform the vahunzation.\n\n"
"If you are unsure about the meaning of a question, click the \"Help\" "
"button or take a look at the manual."
; Choices for basic vahunz mode
(set #choice-vahunz-standard "Standard")
(set #choice-vahunz-exchange "Exchange")
(set #choice-vahunz-rename "The Great Renaming")
(set #choice-vahunz-custom "Custom")
(set #choice-create-c "Create C/C++ dignorary")
(set #choice-create-java "Create Java dignorary")
(set #prompt-vahunz-mode "Select the kind of vahunzation you want to perform:")
(set #help-vahunz-mode
(cat "This specifies what vahunz should do with your sources.\n\n"
#choice-vahunz-standard " - Perform a standard vahunzation mostly using "
"default options. This gives you a reasonably unreadable source code "
"without comments and indention you can use to distribute to normal "
"users who only want to compile it and nothing else."
#choice-vahunz-exchange " - Works like \"" #choice-vahunz-standard "\", "
"but preserves line numbers in the vahunzed source. This gives accurate "
"line numbers referring to your original source if users report source "
"code related errors like problems during compilation."
#choice-vahunz-rename " - Does not remove any data from your original "
"code but only creates a dictionary prepared for "
"\"The Great Renaming\"."
#choice-vahunz-custom " - Asks you all options to be specified manually. "
"This is useful for maximum control over the vahunzation."
#choice-create-c " - Lets you specify your include directory and creates "
"a dignorary from it."
#choice-create-java " - Lets you specify your Javadoc directory and "
"creates a dignorary from it."
; Choices for source type
(set #choice-source-c "C/C++")
(set #choice-source-java "Java")
(set #prompt-source-type
"Select the type of source codes that should be vahunzed:"
(set #help-source-type
(cat "The source type decides for which file pattern the source directory is "
(set #prompt-source-directory
(cat "Select source directory to scan for source codes and where the support "
"files for vahunz will be stored:"
(set #help-source-directory
(cat "The directory you selected and all its sub-directories are scanned for "
"source codes to be vahunzed.\n\n"
"Support files like \"vahunz.files\" and the dictionaries are also "
"stored there. This includes the \"" #file-vahunz-it "\" CLI-script "
"created by Vahunz-Tschak at the end."
(set #prompt-source-pattern
"Enter pattern for source file to be vahunzed:"
(set #help-source-pattern
(cat "Here you can specify a AmigaDOS pattern the files in the source "
"directory have to match to be considered for vahunzation."
"For example, #?.(c|h) specifies all C sources and headers."
"All sub-directories within the source directory are also scanned."
(set #prompt-dignorary
"Select default dignorary to be used by vahunz:"
(set #help-dignorary
(cat "The dignorary is a special dictionary containing names you know that "
"you don't want them to vahunz already beforehand. It usually "
"contains names of functions and constants of standard and system "
"If you do not want to use a dignorary, choose \"empty.ignore\"."
(set #prompt-custom-switches "Select the switches you want to enable")
(set #help-custom-switches
(cat "Here you can enable switches that will influence the output Vahunz "
(set #message-create-vahunz-files-1
"Creating \""
(set #message-create-vahunz-files-2
"\" using the following command:"
(set #help-create-vahunz-files
(cat "This command creates the \"vahunz.files\" containing all source files "
"vahunz should take into account."
(set #message-create-vahunz-ignore-1
"Creating \""
(set #message-create-vahunz-ignore-2
"\" using the following command:"
(set #help-create-vahunz-ignore
(cat "This command creates dignorary \"vahunz.ignore\" containig all names "
"to be ignored."
(set #prompt-create-vahunz-it
(cat "Writing \"" #file-vahunz-it "\""
(set #help-vahunz-it
(cat "\"" #file-vahunz-it "\" is the CLI-script created by Vahunz-Tschak "
"that actually performs the vahunzation. "
"You can call it whenever you updated your original source code and "
"want to create a new vahunzed version."
(set #prompt-target-directory
(cat "Select target directory where the vahunzed source code should be "
(set #help-target-directory
(cat "To preserve your original source code, the vahunzed one is written "
"to a different directory, but with the same filenames."
"This usually allows you to use the same scripts and Makefile for "
"compilation as for the original."
(set #work-create-script "Creating script")
(set #work-copy-dignorary "Copying dignorary from")
(set #prompt-launch-vahunz
(cat "The script has been created. To also create the dictionary it has to be "
"Do you want me to start the script now?"
(set #help-launch-vahunz
(cat "You can execute the script now to make vahunz extract all names of your "
"source code and create the dictionary.\n\n"
"If you do not want to do that right now, you can skip this part and "
"execute the script later from Workbench or CLI."
(set #status-vahunzing
(cat "Vahunzing...\n\n"
"(This can take a while)"
(set #prompt-editor
(cat "The dictionary has been created.\n\n"
"It can now be loaded into your editor. There you can and modify the "
"lines want to vahunz/rename."
(set #help-editor
(cat "Your editor according to the environment variable EDITOR will be "
"started and load the dictionary.\n\n"
"Mark words you want to vahunz with plus (+) and those you want to "
"ignore with minus (-).\n\n"
"To rename a name, leave the first character blank and specify the "
"new name after an equal sign (=), for example:\n\n"
"\" rdcfg=read_settings\""
(set #message-exit
(cat "A CLI-script has been created in \"%s\"."
"You can perform the vahunzation by executing this script from CLI "
"or by double-clicking it from the Workbench."
"As the script automatically goes to the source directory and also "
"restores the current directory upon exit, you can safely invoke it "
"from other scripts, Makefiles or similar."
"Happy Vahunzing!"
(set #prompt-include-directory "Select C/C++ include directory")
(set #help-include-directory
(cat "The include directory contains all your header files with names you want "
"to ignore when vahunzing source codes."
(set #working-list-include-files "Creating include file list")
(set #working-scan-include-files "Scanning include files")
(set #working-translate-dignorary "Replacing blanks by hyphens")
(set #working-cleanup-dignorary "Cleaning up dignorary")
(set #prompt-javadoc-directory "Select include directory")
(set #help-javadoc-directory
(cat "The include directory contains your system header files."
"They usually contain variables, prototypes and macros you do not "
"want to vahunz."
(set #prompt-javadoc-directory "Select Javadoc directory")
(set #help-javadoc-directory
(cat "The Javadoc directory contains the API documentation in HTML format. All "
"documents matching the file pattern \"[a-z]-index.html\" in this "
"directory are scanned for references."
"That means, a file named \"a-index.html\" has to exist in the directory "
"you select, otherwise it will be rejected."
(set #message-bad-javadoc-directory
(cat "The directory selected does not contain a file named \"index-1.html\". "
"Therefor this is not considered to be a directory containing API "
"documentation in JavaDoc format."
"Select a proper directory next time."
(set #working-scan-javadoc "Scanning \"%s\"")
(set #working-cleanup-javadoc "Cleaning temporary dignorary using vahunz")
(set #prompt-target-dignorary "Specify target dignorary to create")
(set #help-target-dignorary
(cat "Specify directory and filename of the target directory."
"Preferably, it should be stored in the standard dignorary directory "
"and should have the suffix \".ignore\"."
(set #message-exit-dignorary
(cat "The new dignorary has been stored in \"%s\"."
"It is ready for your next vahunzation."
; Run a command and check for a certain return code
(procedure P-run #name #expected-result #command
(debug " name = " #name)
(debug " expt = " #expected-result)
(debug " comd = " #command)
(set #real-result (run #command))
(if (<> #expected-result #real-result)
(abort #name " returned " #real-result " instead of "
#expected-result ":\n\n"
; Execute a script and check for a certain return code
(procedure P-execute #name #expected-result #command
(debug " name = " #name)
(debug " expt = " #expected-result)
(debug " comd = " #command)
(set #real-result (execute #command))
(if (<> #expected-result #real-result)
(abort #name " returned " #real-result " instead of "
#expected-result ":\n\n"
; Load certain file into editor
(procedure P-edit #file #prompt #help
; Get editor from $EDITOR or use c:Ed
(set #editor (getenv "editor"))
(if (= "" #editor) ((set #editor "c:Ed")))
(debug "editor = " #editor)
; Run editor
(set #command-editor (cat #editor " \"" #file "\""))
(run #command-editor
(prompt #prompt)
(help #help)
(confirm "average")
; Check requirements
; Check installer version to piss people off and make them
; download a new one or dump the whole filetype (He he he).
; (The script should work with older versions, but how am I
; supposed to test this?)
(procedure P-check-requirements
(debug "check version")
(if (< @installer-version #minimum-installer-id)
(debug "installer too old")
(abort #message-wrong-installer)
(debug "check list")
(if (run "list >nil: lformat=%p%n all pat=#?")
(debug "no/wrong list")
(abort #message-wrong-list)
; Welcome user
(procedure P-welcome
(debug "welcome")
(welcome #message-welcome)
(message #message-overview)
; Ask for basic vahunz mode
(procedure P-ask-vahunz-mode
(debug "ask vahunz mode")
(set #vahunz-mode
(prompt #prompt-vahunz-mode)
(help #help-vahunz-mode)
(debug "vahunz-mode = " #vahunz-mode)
(select #vahunz-mode
; Standard
(set #vahunz-options "")
; Exchange
(set #vahunz-options "--line --random-seed=1 --store")
; The Great Renaming
(set #vahunz-options "--comment --indent --line --no-unused")
; Custom
(set #vahunz-options "*custom*")
; Create C dignorary
(set #vahunz-options "*create-c*")
; Create C dignorary
(set #vahunz-options "*create-java*")
(debug "vahunz-options = " #vahunz-options)
; Ask for source type
(procedure P-ask-source-type
(debug "ask source type")
(set #source-type
(prompt #prompt-source-type)
(help #help-source-type)
(debug "source-type = " #source-type)
; Ask for source directory
(procedure P-ask-source-directory
(debug "ask source directory")
(if (= @app-name "debug")
set #source-directory "prog:SmartReadArgs"
(set #source-directory
(prompt #prompt-source-directory)
(help #help-source-directory)
(default "Work:")
) ;if
(debug "source directory = " #source-directory)
; Ask for source pattern
(procedure P-ask-source-pattern
(debug "choose source pattern")
(select #source-type
; C/C++
(set #source-pattern "#?.(c|h|c++|cxx|cpp|cc)")
(set #default-dignorary "amiga.ignore")
; Java
(set #source-pattern "#?.(java|jav)")
(set #default-dignorary "java.ignore")
; Others (currently disabled)
(set #source-pattern
(prompt #prompt-source-pattern)
(help #help-source-pattern)
(default "#?.(c|h|c++|cxx|cpp|cc)")
(debug "source pattern = " #source-pattern)
; Ask for dignorary
(procedure P-ask-dignorary
(debug "ask dignorary")
(set #dignorary
(prompt #prompt-dignorary)
(help #help-dignorary)
(default (tackon "dignorary" #default-dignorary))
(debug "dignorary = " #dignorary)
; Ask for target directory
(procedure P-ask-target-directory
(debug "ask target directory")
(set #target-directory
(prompt #prompt-target-directory)
(help #help-target-directory)
(default "ram:")
(debug "dignorary = " #target-directory)
; Ask options in case of vahunz mode set to "Custom"
(procedure P-ask-custom-switches
(if (= #vahunz-options "*custom*")
; Ask for switches
(set #options
(prompt #prompt-custom-switches)
(help #help-custom-switches)
(default 0)
"Preserve comments (--comment)"
"Preserve indention (--indent)"
"Preserve line numbers (--line)"
"Remove unused names from dictionary (--no-unused)"
"Store vahunzed names in dictionary (--store)"
"Suppress warning messages (--no-warning)"
(set #vahunz-options "")
(if (IN #options 0) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --comment")))
(if (IN #options 1) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --indent")))
(if (IN #options 2) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --line")))
(if (IN #options 3) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --no-unused")))
(if (IN #options 4) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --store")))
(if (IN #options 5) (set #vahunz-options (cat #vahunz-options " --no-warning")))
; Create "vahunz.files"
(procedure P-create-vahunz.files
(set #vahunz-files (tackon #source-directory "vahunz.files"))
(set #file-command-list "t:vahunz-tschack-list.tmp")
(working "Creating \"" #vahunz-files "\"")
(set #command-sequence-list
(cat "cd \"" #source-directory "\"\n"
"list lformat=%p%n all "
"pat=\"" #source-pattern "\" "
">\"" #vahunz-files "\"\n"
(debug "command: " #command-sequence-list)
(dest #file-command-list)
(append #command-sequence-list)
(P-execute "#file-command-list" 0 #file-command-list)
(delete #file-command-list)
; Create "vahunz.ignore"
(procedure P-create-vahunz.ignore
(set #vahunz-ignore (tackon #source-directory "vahunz.ignore"))
(set #command-copy-dignorary
(cat "copy quiet clone "
"from=\"" #dignorary "\" "
"to=\"" #vahunz-ignore "\""
(debug "command: " #command-copy-dignorary)
(working #work-copy-dignorary " \"" #vahunz-ignore "\"")
(P-run "#command-copy-dignorary" 0 #command-copy-dignorary)
; Create "Vahunz it!"
(procedure P-create-vahunz-it
(set #vahunz-it (tackon #source-directory #file-vahunz-it))
(set #vahunz-it-icon (cat #vahunz-it ".info"))
(working #work-create-script " \"" #vahunz-it "\"")
(set #command-vahunz-it
(cat "assign vahunz-cd-<$$>: \"\"\n"
"cd \"" #source-directory "\"\n"
" " #vahunz-options
" \"--output=" #target-directory "\" "
"cd vahunz-cd-<$$>:\n"
"assign vahunz-cd-<$$>: remove\n"
(debug "vahunz-it contents:\n---\n"
(prompt #promp-create-vahunz-it)
(help #help-vahunz-it)
(dest #vahunz-it)
(append #command-vahunz-it)
(set #command-copy-icon
(cat "copy quiet clone "
"from=tschak/def_vahunz.info "
"to=\"" #vahunz-it-icon "\""
(P-run "#command-copy-icon" 0 #command-copy-icon)
; Set "S" protection bit of "Vahunz it!"
(set #command-protect-vahunz-it
(cat "protect \"" #vahunz-it "\" +s"
(P-run "#command-protect-vahunz-it" 0 #command-protect-vahunz-it)
; Invoke "Vahunz it!"
(procedure P-invoke-vahunz-it
(set #vahunz-launched
(prompt #prompt-launch-vahunz)
(help #help-launch-vahunz)
(default 1)
(debug "launch vahunz = " #vahunz-launched)
(if #vahunz-launched
(working #status-vahunzing)
(P-run "#vahunz-it" 0 (cat "execute \"" #vahunz-it "\""))
; We can't use P-execute here because it does not quote the name
; Edit "vahunz.names"
(procedure P-edit-vahunz.names
(set #vahunz-names (tackon #source-directory "vahunz.names"))
(if #vahunz-launched (P-edit #vahunz-names #prompt-editor #help-editor))
; Exit message
(procedure P-exit
(#message-exit #vahunz-it)
; Ask for include directory
(procedure P-ask-include-directory
(debug "ask include directory")
(set #include-directory
(prompt #prompt-include-directory)
(help #help-include-directory)
(default "include:")
; Create include file list
(procedure P-create-include-files
(debug "list include files")
(working #working-list-include-files)
(set #command-list-include
(cat "list >t:temporary.files lformat=%p%n all pat=#?.h "
(P-run "#command-list-include" 0 #command-list-include)
; Scan include file
(procedure P-scan-include-files
(debug "scan include files")
(working #working-scan-include-files)
(delete "t:temporary.names" (optional "force"))
(delete "t:temporary.ignore" (optional "force"))
(set #command-scan-include "vahunz --base-name t:temporary")
(P-run "#command-scan-include" 0 #command-scan-include)
; Translate and append include dignorary
(procedure P-translate-dignorary
(debug "translate dignorary")
(working #working-translate-dignorary)
(set #command-translate-dignorary
(cat "tschak/blank-to-hyphen"
" <t:temporary.names"
" >>t:temporary.ignore"
(P-run "#command-translate-dignorary" 0 #command-translate-dignorary)
; Delete the name list and launch vahunz again to sort the whole mess
; and kick out possible duplicates
(debug "cleanup dignorary")
(working #working-cleanup-dignorary)
(delete "t:temporary.names" (optional "force"))
(set #command-cleanup-dignorary "vahunz --base-name t:temporary")
(P-run "#command-cleanup-dignorary" 0 #command-cleanup-dignorary)
; Ask for target dignorary name
(procedure P-ask-target-dignorary #name
(debug "ask target dignorary")
(set #target-dignorary
(prompt #prompt-target-dignorary)
(help #help-target-dignorary)
(default (tackon "dignorary" #name))
(debug "target dignorary = " #target-dignorary)
; Move temporary dignorary to standard dignorary directory
(procedure P-move-dignorary #source-dignorary
(debug "move dignorary")
(debug " source = \"" #source-dignorary "\"")
(debug " target = \"" #target-dignorary "\"")
(source #source-dignorary)
(dest (pathonly #target-dignorary))
(newname (fileonly #target-dignorary))
(optional "askuser")
(delete #source-dignorary (optional "force"))
; Ask for JavaDoc directory
(procedure P-ask-javadoc-directory
(debug "ask javadoc directory")
(set #javadoc-exists 0)
(set #javadoc-directory
(prompt #prompt-javadoc-directory)
(help #help-javadoc-directory)
(default "jdk:jdk1.2.2/docs/api/index-files")
; Check, if "a-index.html" exists in this directory
(set #javadoc-exist (exists (tackon #javadoc-directory "index-1.html")))
(debug "#javadoc-exist = " #javadoc-exist)
; If not, annoy user
(if (= 0 #javadoc-exist) (abort #message-bad-javadoc-directory))
; Scan JavaDoc index file and append references to dignorary
(procedure P-scan-javadoc #filename #complete2
; Compute name of index file to scan
(set #javadoc-filename (tackon #javadoc-directory #filename))
(debug "scan " #javadoc-filename)
(complete #complete2)
(working (#working-scan-javadoc #javadoc-filename))
; Compute command to scan
(set #command-scan-javadoc
(cat "tschak/scan_javadoc <\"" #javadoc-filename "\" >>\"t:java.ignore\""
(P-run "#command-scan-javadoc" 0 #command-scan-javadoc)
; Scan JavaDoc directory and create dignorary from it
(procedure P-scan-javadoc-directory #complete
(debug "scan javadoc directory")
(set #script-cleanup-dignorary "t:cleanup-dignorary")
; Setup temporary files
(P-run "#command-reset-scan" 0 "echo \"\" >t:java.ignore noline")
(P-run "#command-reset-scan" 0 "echo \"\" >t:dummy.java")
(P-run "#command-reset-scan" 0 "echo \"dummy.java\" >t:java.files")
(delete "t:java.names")
(set #scan-complete 0)
(foreach #javadoc-directory "index-#?.html"
(set #scan-complete (+ #scan-complete 1))
(P-scan-javadoc @each-name (+ #complete #scan-complete))
(complete (+ #complete 30))
(working #working-cleanup-javadoc)
(set #command-cleanup-dignorary
(cat "cd t:\n"
#expanded-vahunz " --base-name java --no-warning --quiet\n"
(dest #script-cleanup-dignorary)
(append #command-cleanup-dignorary)
(P-execute "#script-cleanup-dignorary" 0 #script-cleanup-dignorary)
(delete #script-cleanup-dignorary)
(debug "cleanup temporary files")
(delete "t:java.(files|names)" (optional "force"))
(delete "t:dummy.java" (optional "force"))
; Exit message for created dignoraries
(procedure P-exit-dignorary
(debug "cleanup temporary files for dignoraries")
(delete "t:temporary.(files|ignore|names)" (optional "force"))
(#message-exit-dignorary #target-dignorary)
; "Wollt ihr das totale Programm?"
(complete 0) (P-check-requirements)
(complete 5) (P-welcome)
(complete 10) (P-ask-vahunz-mode)
(set #flow-selector 0)
(if (= #vahunz-options "*create-c*") (set #flow-selector 1))
(if (= #vahunz-options "*create-java*") (set #flow-selector 2))
(select #flow-selector
; Vahunz source code
(complete 20) (P-ask-custom-switches)
(complete 25) ; (P-ask-custom-name-length)
(complete 30) ; (P-ask-custom-prefix)
(complete 35) ; (P-ask-custom-random-seed)
(complete 40) ; (P-ask-custom-vahunz-length)
(complete 45) (P-ask-source-type)
(complete 50) (P-ask-source-directory)
(complete 55) (P-ask-source-pattern)
(complete 60) (P-ask-dignorary)
(complete 65) (P-ask-target-directory)
(complete 75) (P-create-vahunz.files)
(complete 80) (P-create-vahunz.ignore)
(complete 85) (P-create-vahunz-it)
(complete 90) (P-invoke-vahunz-it)
(complete 95) (P-edit-vahunz.names)
(complete 100) (P-exit)
; Create C/C++ dignorary
(complete 30) (P-ask-include-directory)
(complete 50) (P-ask-target-dignorary "amiga.ignore")
(complete 70) (P-create-include-files)
(complete 80) (P-scan-include-files)
(complete 90) (P-translate-dignorary)
(complete 95) (P-move-dignorary "t:temporary.ignore")
(complete 100) (P-exit-dignorary)
; Create Java dignorary
(complete 30) (P-ask-javadoc-directory)
(complete 50) (P-ask-target-dignorary "java.ignore")
(complete 60) (P-scan-javadoc-directory 60)
(complete 95) (P-move-dignorary "t:java.ignore")
(complete 100) (P-exit-dignorary)